Mommies and kids, hear ye, hear ye! Do you love grocery shopping together or with the whole family? Rustan’s Supermarket is on a mission to promote healthy eating among children as it welcomes the return of the Goodness Gang in this year’s Body Squad edition.
Different kinds of fruits and veggies provide you with all the kinds of nutrients you need to keep yourself in good shape and prevent chronic illnesses. Each member of the Body Squad possesses vitamins and minerals that power the body with nutritional benefits for strong bones, clearer eyesight, a healthy stomach, and so much more. Introducing the oh-so-cute Body Squad plushie toys that you can exclusively score at Rustan's Supermarket after the jump!
Rustan's Supermarket Goodness Gang |
Rustan's Supermarket Goodness Gang
1. Wally the Watermelon- is made up of 92% water to help you stay hydrated under the sun, and supplies your daily dose of Vitamins A, C, and B6 to keep your heart, eyes, skin, and liver functioning properly.
Rustan's Supermarket Goodness Gang Wally the Watermelon |
2. Chloe the Cauliflower- great for helping kids solve problems at school because she improves brain health
Rustan's Supermarket Goodness Gang Chloe the Cauliflower |
3. Cedrick the Celery- keeps the mouth and teeth clean.
Rustan's Supermarket Goodness Gang Cedric the Celery |
4. Paulie the Pumpkin - she is full of Vitamin A to keep your eyesight sharp.
Rustan's Supermarket Goodness Gang Paulie the Pumpkin |
5. Pio the Pineapple- for a super healthy tummy because all his fiber to help you digest food.
Rustan's Supermarket Goodness Gang Pio the Pineapple |
6. Ringo the Radish- protect your kidneys and prevent you from experiencing kidney stones.
Rustan's Supermarket Goodness Gang Ringo the Radish |
7. Lizzie the Lemon- if you need a little boost of energy her amazing abilities will keep you from getting sick.
Rustan's Supermarket Goodness Gang Lizzie the Lemon |
8. Patricia the Plum- your best companion especially when you play sports because he packs you with vitamins to strengthen bones.
Rustan's Supermarket Goodness Gang Patricia the Plum |
Join in on the Rustan’s Supermarket Goodness Gang Body Squad’s mission to promote healthy eating and bring one of them home to always remind you of all the benefits good nutrition can give you and your family.
Rustan's Supermarket Goodness Gang |
Customers earn 1 sticker for every P300 spent, while an extra sticker is earned when P100 worth of your items are sponsor products. You can get a Body Squad plush toy for FREE with 50 stickers earned, or buy them at P339 each when you earn 25 stickers.
Rustan's Supermarket Goodness Gang |
Rustan’s Supermarket customers can get their hands on the Goodness Gang Body Squad starting on September 1 until November 30. Eight adorable plush toys can be redeemed through collecting stickers every time you shop at Rustan’s Supermarket and purchase sponsor products.
For more information on Goodness Gang Body Squad and Rustan's Supermarket
visit their website,
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