Eye Mo Philippines Launch

Monday, March 27, 2017

     Our eyes gives us vision and it plays an important role in our life. We use our sense of sight everyday that's why it is important to take good care of our eyesight. How do you take good care of your eyes? Aside from eating foods rich in Vitamin A, following simple eye care routine at home and at work is a must.

     If you neglect your eyes, let's say you're always prone to dirt and pollution while commuting and you're always in front of the computer for more than two hours a day chances are your eyes will be prone to irritation leading to poor eyesight. Like other parts of the body, you should take care of your eyes. Proper eye care is important so that we can prevent eye diseases in the long run. More information on eye health and Eye Mo eye drops below :)

Eye Mo Philippines Launch 

     Weeks ago, Eye Mo was relaunch here in our country. They launched a campaign entitled "Eyeritation" in an effort to help Filipinos become more aware of the state of their eyes. In this campaign, Eye Mo eye drop brand has identified 5 signs of eye irritation and aims to educate Filipinos by raising awareness to proper eye care and importance of eyesight.

Eye Mo Philippines Launch 

     Marketing manager for Eye Mo, LF Asia Philippines, Inc., Healthcare Division Earl Jayona identified the top 5 signs of eye irritation and explained to us their differences. Here are the eyeritation that you need to know:

1. Red Eyes

     This condition is usually caused by allergy,dirt, pollution, smoke or common eye infections which are the most common among people who have high exposure to outdoor activities such as motorcycle riders and commuters.

2. Watery Eyes

     Excessive tearing that is not caused by normal crying may be a sign of an underlying health condition. When too many tears are being secreted, it is often because of irritation or inflammation of the surface of the eye that can be caused by external elements as well. 

3. Sore Eyes

     This is usually caused by staring into a computer screen or a book for too long. 

4. Itchy Eyes

     ​Itchy eyes are often caused by allergies. It can also occur when there is constant exposure to household elements such as mold and dust. Also, as much as you want to do it, rubbing your itchy eyes won’t help. 

5. Dry Eyes

     This condition is common for people who have high exposure to gadgets, TVs, laptops and those working in air-conditioned rooms. Lack of tears or moisture in the eyes is also common as we age. 

     If these signs are present in your eyes, fret not as these can be given immediate solution by using eye drops. Eye Mo can be used to combat uncomfortable eye irritations. I can still remember that my parents have stock of the blue and red variants at home when I was in high school. 

Eye Mo Philippines Launch 

     I'm not sure if you're aware that Eye Mo disappeared in pharmacies and health care stores for quiet some time. But I'm relieved that they're making a huge come back because of their campaign with the same eye drop that's been trusted for many years by the Filipinos.

Eye Mo variants:

Eye Mo Moisturizing Formula (blue)- Hypromellose
  • eye moisturizer
  • lubricant
  • 3 mg/ml solution
  • refreshes dry eyes

Eye Mo Philippines Launch 
Eye Mo Moisturizing Formula (blue)

Eye Mo Red Eyes Formula (red)- Tetrahydrozoline HCl
  • vasoconstrictor
  • 0.05% solution
  • clears red and irritated eyes
  • has mild antiseptic ingredients to relieve minor eye irritation

Eye Mo Philippines Launch 

Sharing with you simple tips on how to take care of your eyes
  • Use clean water to wash your face.
  • Remove eye makeup before going to bed.
  • Use UV sunglasses when going outside the house.
  • Eat foods rich in Vitamin A.
  • Get plenty of sleep.
  • If your in front of the computer, rest your eyes every 20 minutes, blink and look 20 feet away for 20 seconds.
  • Use eye drops for immediate relief of dryness and redness. 

Eye Mo Philippines Launch 

     Eye Mo is now owned and manufactured by Combiphar Group of Companies, a leading multinational Indonesia-based consumer healthcare company, and distributed by LF Asia Philippines, Inc., who has more than 40 years worth of success as a leading healthcare distributor.

Do you have eye care tips? Share your tips below!

For more information on Eye Mo Philippines,
Like them on Facebook: Eye Mo

Good Times!~


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