Hi dearies! Do you consider taking natural/organic supplements as part of your everyday vitamins and nutrients essentials? I’m sure you’re aware that this food supplement comes in many forms. I’ve tried different kinds of food supplements in the past that’s why I know there’s no harm in trying. This so-called food supplements are not medicines that after taking for a month will heal your high blood pressure, diabetes, and the like. These food supplements have the “no approved therapeutic claim” on their labels because simply it’s a food supplement that will nourish the body and in my opinion, prevents the body from further decay. Meaning once you drink them, they will boost your body, give you energy, cleanse your system, flush all the toxins, and eventually will help you prevent those nasty chronic illnesses and the big C.
Before I received a bottle of this purple drink, I already have an idea what this food supplement can do to our body. I’ve seen this last year on grocery shelves and drugstores where I buy maintenance medicine for my father. We wanted to try this before but he’s drinking a food supplement from another brand until we forgot that Organique Acai Juice was on my father’s food supplements wish list to try. I’m one happy kid because our friends from Organique Acai sent me a bottle of the juice supplement that contains powerful anti-oxidant. By the way, Acai Berry is pronounced as ah-sah-ee. More information about the product and my experience after taking it for a month below.
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Product Review: Organique Acai Juice |
Organique The Premium Acai Blend
is considered by many as the king of superfruits, the Acai Berry is mother's nature true gift of health. It can be found growing in the many rainforests that span Brazil and the Amazon basin. Organique premium acai blend is a pure and potent enhanced with all other natural juice extracts such as organic evaporated cane juice, apple juice concentrate, acerola juice, green tea extract to create a smooth healthy and delicious drink. Acai is rich in the following beneficial nutrients: antioxidant, phytonutrients, amino acids, vitamins, trace minerals, omega fatty oil.
If you are still skeptical about what this food supplement can do, read here the 39 reasons to drink Organique Acai Juice and why after 30 days I highly recommend this product.
- Açaà Can Help You Sleep Better because it contains nutrients like vitamin B and others, Açaà is able to decrease your level of stress and aids in the communication between your brain cells. Açaà is able to do this by assisting with the making of neurotransmitters. Some known neurotransmitters are serotonin and dopamine.
- Açaà Can Increase Your Energy Level it can and is used by renowned athletes like Venus Williams, because Açaà has a lot of nutrients, and especially a lot of lipids which are responsible for boosting up your energy level. This is why Açaà can be used on a daily basis to improve your energy level, and even before a more “energy demanding” event.
- Açaà Can Reduce Cholesterol as it has a lot of EFAs which stands for Essential Fatty Acids. These Acids sustain the good cholesterol (which is named HDL cholesterol) and at the same time, it will decrease the level of bad cholesterol (LDL cholesterol). These two actions, made by the EFAs will lead to a much better blood circulation in your body.
- Açaà Can Help You Lose Weight. If you are trying to lose weight, then Açaà is a gold mine for you! Drinking Açaà will help you lose weight because Açaà will delay hunger and help you control your appetite. This is possible because Açaà has a low glycemic index.
- Açaà Can Help Lower Your Stress Level. Açaà is a great helper in the battle against stress! This is mainly because Açaà is able to adjust the stress level in your body and then to repair it.
- Açaà Can Improve Your Sexual Health. Açaà is known for having antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties can counteract sterility because of pollution, stress, and factors associated with free radicals.
- Açaà Can Ease Women’s Menstrual Cycle. Good news for women! Especially women who go through great menstrual pain each and every month! Açaà is very rich in calcium and it eases the nasty pain of bloating and cramps.
- Açaà Can Help You Fight The Wrinkles. The Açaà Juice has a high volume of phytosterols and anthocyanins which do a great job in protecting the collagen (and other connective tissues) and this way you will be safe from premature wrinkles.
- Açaà Can Make Your Teeth Stronger. The calcium that Açaà has is not only good for easing cramps and bloating, but it also helps you have more powerful teeth, a nice whiter smile and also prevents the appearance of gingivitis or other gum diseases.
- Açaà and Your Vision. The Açaà juice helps improve your vision, reduces complications of macular degeneration in diabetics. This happens because of the vitamin C and the beta-carotene that Açaà has.
- Açaà Can Aid Your Skin Tone. Because Açaà has phytosterols, by drinking Açaà you will help decrease the wearing down of your skin’s protective outside layer and so improve your skin tone.
- Açaà Can Fight Aging. Açaà may help slow down aging as Açaà has strong anti-oxidants and regenerative nutrients that aid cells to operate optimally. This is probably, one of the most important reasons to drink Açaà juice, from all the 39 reasons.
- Açaà Can Protect Blood Vessels. By drinking Açaà you will be protecting you will be protecting your arteries, capillaries, veins and blood vessels. This is possible because of the anthocyanins that Açaà has.
- Açaà Can Improve Your Resistance To Disease. Because Açaà has lots of nutrients; Açaà helps the immune system and increases your body’s resistance to all sorts of diseases.
- Açaà Can Improve Lipid and Glucose Levels. Açaà has a low glycemic index which improves these two levels.
- Açaà Can Detoxify And Cleanse Your Body. Açaà has been used for a long time now to detoxify human’s bodies.
- Açaà Can Even Help In Healing Ulcers. Due to his antibacterial properties, Açaà is able to destroy fungi, bacteria and even parasites like the one that causes ulcer.
- Açaà May Reduce The Risk Of Alzheimer’s Disease. According to a study made in 2004, which is found in the Archives of Neurology, people that drink Açaà are reducing the risk of an Alzheimer disease because of Açaà ’s bigger amounts of vitamins E and C.
- Açaà Is a Great Helper Against Osteoporosis. Because Açaà has an increased amount of calcium; the bad osteoporosis tends to stay away from you.
- Açaà Can Fight Against BPH (prostate enlargement). Açaà is a tough enemy of BPH which stands for benign prostate hyperplasia. You might know BPH as an enlarged prostate.
- Açaà Can Help Thwart Retinopathy. For people that have diabetes, Açaà is great news, because it helps weak capillaries that otherwise could lead to retinopathy. The bad part about retinopathy is that it can often lead to blindness.
- Açaà Can Prevent Some Causes Of Heart Disease. The Açaà Juice has a powerful heart protection agent which is the antioxidant named polyphenols. The production of nitric oxide in the endothelial cells is improved by anthocyanins. The nitric oxide is responsible for the relaxation and enlargement of the blood vessel walls and this means a lesser amount of stress on your heart. And even more than this, your blood flow will be increased and you will have a decreased risk of any vessel blockage.
- The Açaà Plant Sterols Can Help Lower Your Blood Pressure. The sterols are responsible for a lot of good things for your body. Sterols are the components of plant cell membranes. They are used in the treatment things associated with blood pressure.
- Açaà Can Help In Relieving The Symptoms Of Asthma. Açaà is able to improve the symptoms of Asthma because it has a lot of vitamin C which is a very powerful antioxidant. The vitamin C has anti-inflammatory properties which help in relieving the Asthma symptoms.
- Açaà Can Also Help Relieve The Symptoms Of Crohn’s Disease. Because Açaà has great anti-inflammatory properties, he is able to stop the malabsorption of nutrients that are vital for the body. This way, Açaà is preventing any damage to the wall of your small intestines.
- Açaà Can Help In Relieving The Pain Caused By Arthritis. Once more, the anti-inflammatory abilities of the Açaà berry help in relieving pain caused by arthritis.
- Açaà Can Help Prevent Free-Radical Damage To Your Immune System. Oxidation (free-radical damage) represents one of the principal causes of the immune weakness (dysfunction). Açaà fights this by toughening the immune system.
- Açaà Can Also Act As An Astringent. An astringent is a substance that shrinks, contracts, tightens the body tissues like our skin. Astringents are utilized to stop bleeding from small cuts and to give to the skin a fresh, tingling sensation.
- Açaà Can Fight Cancer. Açaà prevents and lowers the risk of cancer. Açaà fights breast cancer, skin, stomach, lung cancer by neutralizing the free radicals before they can harm cells.
- Açaà Can Overcome Acid Reflux!. Because of its antioxidants, Açaà helps protect and even repair our lower esophagus when damaged by the acid reflux disease (GERD). Açaà also reduces the acidity of the stomach contents when the reflux occurs. This is because; Açaà has acid-suppression effects.
- Açaà Can Make Your Body Stronger. Because Açaà has even more protein than the average egg, he is able to help your body grow stronger.
- Açaà Can Enhance Muscle Contraction And Regeneration. Açaà has a mix of trace minerals and amino acids which allow him to help muscle contraction and regeneration after an exhausting activity.
- Açaà Can Improve The Function Of The Immune Cells. According to a study published in the International Journal of Sports Medicine, Açaà improves the function of the immune cells by modulating the lymphocytes and preventing the immune suppression. This is all possible thanks to Açaà ’s beta-sitosterol.
- Açaà Can Act As An Anti-Mutagenic. Açaà helps in the prevention of any damage to our DNA structure and reduces the possible risk posed by mutagens.
- Açaà Can Fight Against Viruses. Açaà reduces the frequency of infectious diseases like viruses, fungus or bacterial infections.
- Açaà Can Improve Your Digestion. Açaà dietary fiber helps our colon and the digestive tract.
- Açaà Can Give You a Better Mental Clarity. Açaà helps our alertness and mental function with its omega 3 fats.
- Açaà Can Promote Overall Health. With his powerful antioxidants, Açaà helps build and replenish our body.
- Açaà Can Help Your Body’s Synergy. Açaà helps with the protection of the whole body.
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Product Review: Organique Acai Juice a single 30 ml dose is equivalent to this shot glass |
size: 32 fl oz. /946 ml
price: 2,500 php (Around $53.21+)
place bought: Free
Available at Mercury Drugstores, Watsons, Robinsons Supermarket, Pure Pharmacy, and South Star Drugstore
instructions for use: Drink one to two servings per day, preferably before breakfast. One serving is equivalent to 30 ml
ingredients: Acai Puree, Water, Organic Evaporated Cane Juice, Apple Juice from Concentrate, Acerola Juice from Concentrate, Citric Acid, Guarana Extract, Green Tea Extract, Xanthan Gum, Natural Flavor
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Product Review: Organique Acai Juice |
Nutrition Facts
Serving Size: 30 ml
(concentrate to make 240 ml) (71 g)
Servings Per Container 32
Amount Per Serving
Calories 40 Calories from Fat 10
Total Fat 1 g 2%
Saturated Fat 0 g
Trans Fat 0 g
Cholesterol 0 mg 0%
Sodium 0 mg 0%
Potassium 15 mg 1%
Total Carbohydrates 10 g 3%
Dietary Fiber 1 g 2%
Sugar 7 g
Protein 1 g
Vitamin A 6% Calcium 2% Vitamin C 40% Iron 2%
What I like:
- The taste- doesn't have a weird or funky taste. It's like I'm drinking grapes that are concentrated. It's a bit sour but tolerable.
- The packaging is simple, it's in a sturdy bottle and the label is complete with product information.
- The scent is like that of red wine but tolerable. I have a sensitive nose and drinking food supplements with weird smell makes me nauseous. I never experienced that while drinking this.
- No weird feeling or an upset stomach after drinking one shot of this purple juice first thing in the morning. I drink one or two shots of this upon waking up.
- I feel a bit full after taking this before breakfast.
- No breakouts, irritations or whatsoever in my skin. I also noticed that during the time I'm drinking this juice, no new zits or pimples popping out my forehead and chin.
- I noticed that my skin is less oily.
- I love eating spicy and oily foods. I noticed that there are traces of oil in my stool which is a good indication that bad fats are being expelled from my body.
- I'm usually constipated and this juice helped me ease the difficulty in emptying the bowel.
- I usually crave for sweets in between meals but during the period that I'm drinking this juice, less sweet cravings for a month.
- I feel less lethargic on days that I have mood swings. I can say that I have extra energy during the time I'm drinking this juice.
- I noticed less hair fall. I've been battling with hair fall these past few months after my father's hospitalization. I can say that my hair fall is stress related. Last month, I noticed that I have less hair fall compared to the month that I'm not drinking this. I still use the same hair care products before and while I was drinking the juice.
What I don't like:
- The price- can be a bit expensive for budget-conscious individuals.
- Not easily accessible for those who live in the provinces.
Will I repurchase? Yes!
I give this a 4.5/5 rating. There are 39 reasons to drink this Organique Acai juice and I think in the long run I will definitely see those results. If I'm diabetic, have cholesterol, suffering from Asthma, and if I have other diseases, the results will be verified by a monthly laboratory. I highly recommend this product if you're looking for a food supplement and would like to cleanse your body from toxins.
Have you tried taking this food supplement? Share your experience below :)
For more information about Organique Acai, visit their website:
Like them on Facebook: Organique Acai
Follow them on Instagram: @organiqueacai
Good Times!~
DISCLAIMER: This product was sent to me by Organique Acai Juice for a review. The thoughts expressed here are my honest opinion about the product. Always consult a medical professional first before taking food supplements because there are instances that it will have a contraindication with the medicine your taking.
Gusto ko nito... :D
ReplyDeleteHi Raffy,
DeleteTry mo na! Need na mag-invest sa health :)
Nice review Kath. I got all the info I need about this product. Actually I been thinking of buying this last weekend pa.
ReplyDeleteHi alvinator,
DeleteThank you so much! Hope you have tried this na!
Hi alvinator,
DeleteThank you so much! Hope you have tried this na!
I am 53 yrs old a single mom with 2 grown sons and have been quite sickly. I neglected myself for many yrs, always focusing on caring for the family. Will buy this very soon so i could live healthier and heal. Thank you for sharing helpful info about this great product!
DeleteThank you so much for taking time to read this review. Yes, you may start drinking this kind of supplements to prolong life but this is not a medicine that will treat all the sickness that you have.
Hi! How do you store it after opening? Does it need to be refrigerated or can it stay on the shelves? Thanks!
DeleteKeep it inside the refrigerator once after opening.
i'm a satisfied consumer since February 2016....
DeleteThank you for sharing your experience :) Glad to know that!
Hi! Does it come in a small size?
DeleteThere's a small bottle- 1,350 price. Big one is 2,500.
just bought my 1st bottle and cant wait to see the result I have myoma but does not want to undergo surgery, hope this product would help me,
DeleteI hope and I pray that this product will work for you. Be positive and hope you'll see great results after finishing a bottle or so.
hi, i'd like to know how it has been for your myoma since 2016?
DeleteI don't have a Myoma. I took this for other health concerns po.
Is it good for breastfeeding mom??
DeleteI'm not sure if it's okay for breastfeeding moms. Kindly ask na lang the pharmacist if ever you'll be buying this at Mercury Drugstore or Watsons. Thank you!
Can i store this drink on refrigerator?
ReplyDeleteHi Bakasi,
DeleteYes, it is recommended to store in the refrigerator once opened. Thanks!
Hi po I was diagnosed na i have GTN po na pwedeng maging cancer and this morning lang po sabi ng doctor na parang naaapektohan na yung liver ko. Baka daw po tanggalin yung matres ko. Im in hospital right now and I badly need your help if pwede ba to sakin. Pls po. Thnx
ReplyDeleteHi Vanessa,
DeleteSince medyo complicated yung condition mo, makinig ka sa advice ng doctor mo. Organique Acai is a food supplement. You have a medical condition and need ng medicine for that. Usually, this drink is okay to those who have mild cases pa lang. Though may claims sila na can heal etc, I myself will still recommend you to talk to your doctor first.
hi. i want to try this for my father. he's a diabetic and having a heart failure and he's taking medication. question is, if he drink this, does the medication will stop or is it ok continue his medication while drinking acai? thanks..
DeleteYou still have to continue your medication even if your father is taking this. This is a food supplement and even though there are claims, there is a statement that there is no therapeutic claim.
Does it make your abdomen upset and make constant visits to the cr?
DeleteIt did not. No experience of constipation or whatsoever.
how kong is the shelf life of acai berry juice once opened and placed in the fridge? the recommended dosage is 30ml so it takes about a month to consume the big bottle..the smell is strong like rugby....
ReplyDeleteHi Cha,
DeleteNot sure with this. Yes, it has that strong smell. I consumed mine within a month. My apologies for not answering this, can you please check sa bottle if there's something written there regarding the shelf life. I know it has.